OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware problems on first regularly scheduled programs after FW 2.1.0 update Reply To: problems on first regularly scheduled programs after FW 2.1.0 update



Ah, I see. That makes sense.

I think all the problems are stemming from some bad WU database entries. When I go to the WU website and type Perth Oval, it comes up with ‘Perth Oval, Australia’, but when I click that it goes to this place.  Which is a little off.

And when I use the pin icon on my phone (using GPS etc, so the correct location was found) the closest weather station appears to be Mount Lawley. But when I click on that pin what is entered in the field is just ‘icao:’ with no actual airport specified – so a bad database entry. After searching here I found that there is in fact a closer weather station – IWESTERN381, and this works as expected.

So, my system is working fine now. Thanks a lot for your help!