OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App OpenSprinkler App/UI 1.4.0 Reply To: OpenSprinkler App/UI 1.4.0



Gave me quite a shock when I just loaded my OpenSprinkler page! Anyway, I do like the new look, couple of questions:
– afer jumping to a few pages using the new menu, how do I get back to the new “home” screen? Couldn’t figure out how to do this.
– I understand the graph caused issues, but I did like to see the graph of % watering (I’m using the automatic option). Any chance of just getting this graphed?
– the mobile page on my Galaxy S5 shows a notification icon (woth a note for me to update firmware). I don’t see this on my desktop version (WIndows 7, Chrome).

Basically minor issues…..