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I have some issues with Sunset-Sunrise programs.
I have 2 zones with RF lights sockets for the night, I want to turn them on at sunset and off at sunrise.
Case A) Correct set up values – wrong schedule (imho)
If I set the program “Start Time”=”Sunset” and the “Station”=”Sunset to Sunrise” the preview shows me it starts correctly (20:30) but it ends after 14:51:17 hours, basically like a wrong sunrise time (supposed 5:45). I waited a day to test it to void the preview script and it started at the correct hour but it showed that is scheduled to run 14:51:17 hours (confirmed through logging).
Case B) Wrong set up values – correct preview – not tested yet
If I set the program “Start Time”=”Sunset” and the “Station”=”Sunrise to Sunset ” I get a correct preview which I did not test yet because I thought this is kind of wrong because of the Station’s value “Sunrise to Sunset”

I can provide direct access if need it.