OpenSprinkler › Forums › Hardware Questions › OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo) › Update OSBo › Reply To: Update OSBo
should i try:
“cd /home/ubuntu/OSPi” to change in prgram folder
“git rm * -r” To remove all files
next steps are copy from here
“cd /home/” change to home folder
“git clone”
“cd OpenSprinklerGen2”
“sudo sh osbo”
“sudo /etc/init.d/ospi stop”
“sudo update-rc.d ospi remove” will stop the program. Similarly,
“sudo /etc/init.d/sprinklers_pi stop”
“sudo update-rc.d sprinklers_pi remove” will stop the sprinklers_pi program.
and then reboot?
i work the first time with git… 🙂
And if you play the first time with the Beaglebone is this realy important to boot from SDcard: Start it up holding the boot button opposite of the microSD then wait for all 4 LED’s to go solid. (about 5mins) this should be written in the documentation 🙂 i need hours to find out why the beaglebone dont want do boot with an SDcard.