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A question about the Weather Diagnostics.

I use the following weather station:

The site is reporting the following data

jun 10, 2015
Temp: 19.1 °C
Humidity: 94%

Temp: 8.7 °C
Humidity: 50%

Temp: 13.9 °C
Humidity: 80%

My OS reports:
Min Humidity: 45%
Max Humidity: 87%
Mean Temp: 12.5 °C

Why is the OS showing different data than I find on Wunderground?

Is it also possible to be able to configure not to use the average temp, but the max temperature (or the average daytime temp) because in Belgium we have cold nights, so the average is Always low.
Since the 2.1.5 version I am able to lower the temp impact, so this is already very nice.