

I used unminify.com, then regzipped app.jgz, and now the console say:

SecurityError: The operation is insecure. app.jgz:6143:0

Bringing it up under vi, line 6143 is:

else “string” == typeof a && (d[a] = localStorage.getItem(a));

(fourth line from the bottom, below). Code around that area is:

var isIEMobile = /IEMobile/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isAndroid = /Android|\bSilk\b/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isiOS = /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isFireFoxOS = /^.*?\Mobile\b.*?\Firefox\b.*?$/m.test(navigator.userAgent),
isFireFox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isWinApp = /MSAppHost/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isBB10 = /BB10/.test(navigator.userAgent),
isOSXApp = isOSXApp || !1,
isChromeApp = “object” == typeof chrome && “object” == typeof chrome.storage,
isFileCapable = !(isiOS || isAndroid || isIEMobile || isOSXApp || isFireFoxOS || isWinApp || isBB10 || !window.FileReader),
isTouchCapable = “ontouchstart” in window || “onmsgesturechange” in window,
storage = {
get: function(a, b) {
if (b = b || function() {}, isChromeApp) chrome.storage.local.get(a, b);
else {
var c, d = {};
if (“object” == typeof a)
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (d[a[c]] = localStorage.getItem(a[c]));
else “string” == typeof a && (d[a] = localStorage.getItem(a));