OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Version 2.1.6 Reply To: Version 2.1.6



I will look into why this isn’t working but in the meantime, as a work around:

1) Export your configuration
2) Look for the variable “tz”:
3) Change the value using the following encoding:

minute = ( minute / 15 >> 0 ) / 4;
hour = hour + ( hour >= 0 ? minute : -minute );

tz = ( ( hour + 12 ) * 4 ) >> 0;

4) Import the new configuration

You can also use the API to modify the “tz” variable however the command to change that option will require you to provide all binary based options otherwise it will clear them. The method above avoids any disturbance to those variables.

I will let you know if I can reproduce or fix the issue with OSPi.
