OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests GPIO Stations Reply To: GPIO Stations



@Ray/ @Samer, thanks to you both for integrating this into the master branch. I couldn’t find the api and user manual on github so have included below the documentation changes to reflect the GPIO Station functionality. happy to make the changes if you point me at the source documents. Cheers, Pete

1) OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.6 API Document – Add following bullet in section 8 Get Special Station Data

• (OSPi only) st=3: gpio station. sd stores the gpio number and active state for the attached relay in the following order: gpio number in zero-padded, ascii format (2 bytes) and active state as either ascii “0” or “1” (1 byte) e.g. sd = “051” for an active high relay attached to GPIO5.

2) OpenSprinkler v2.x User Manual – Replace the word “two” with “three” special station types

Station Type: the default type is Standard. Beyond that, twothree types of special/virtual stations are supported:

3) OpenSprinkler v2.x User Manual – Add following to Section 3.2 Station Attributes/Station Type

• GPIO station: (OSPi only), A GPIO Station allows you to connect your own switching hardware to one of the many Raspberry Pi GPIO pins available on the OSPi motherboard. This allows you to extend the number and type of stations you can control from an OpenSprinkler main controller. GPIO Stations simply send “on” and “off” signals to the selected GPIO pin and rely on the connected hardware to physically switch the downstream station. A GPIO Station is specified by a GPIO pin number and whether your hardware is active HIGH or LOW i.e. requires a +3.3V or 0V signal to switch on.

4) OpenSprinkler v2.x User Manual – Substitute picture on Section 3.2 Station Attributes

Replace image with one attached