OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Opensprinkler on ESP8266 Reply To: Opensprinkler on ESP8266



I Try to Compile Proto = 8

But i got this error:

In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:15: error: 'uint8_t' has not been declared
  bool begin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.h:15: error: 'uint8_t' has not been declared
  bool begin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.h:17: error: 'uint8_t' has not been declared
  bool cardBegin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.h:17: error: 'uint8_t' has not been declared
  bool cardBegin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.h:15: error: 'SS' was not declared in this scope
  bool begin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.h:17: error: 'SS' was not declared in this scope
  bool cardBegin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:9: error: redefinition of 'SdFile::SdFile()'
     SdFile::SdFile() {  }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:24: error: 'SdFile::SdFile()' previously defined here
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:10: error: redefinition of 'bool SdFile::open(char*, int)'
  bool SdFile::open(char nome[], int i) {
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:25: error: 'bool SdFile::open(char*, int)' previously defined here
  bool open(char name[], int i){} 
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:17: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::close()'
  void SdFile::close() { MyFile.close(); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:26: error: 'void SdFile::close()' previously defined here
  void close(){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:18: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::seekEnd()'
  void SdFile::seekEnd() {,SeekEnd); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:27: error: 'void SdFile::seekEnd()' previously defined here
  void seekEnd(){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:19: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::seekSet(int)'
  void SdFile::seekSet(int pos) {,SeekSet); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:28: error: 'void SdFile::seekSet(int)' previously defined here
  void seekSet(int pos){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:20: error: redefinition of 'bool SdFile::fgets(char*, int)'
  bool SdFile::fgets(char buf[], int bufflen) { return MyFile.readBytesUntil('\n',buf, bufflen)); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:29: error: 'bool SdFile::fgets(char*, int)' previously defined here
  bool fgets(char buf[], int bufflen){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:21: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::write(char*)'
  void SdFile::write(char * c) { MyFile.print(c); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:30: error: 'void SdFile::write(char*)' previously defined here
  void write(char *){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:22: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::write(char*, int)'
  void SdFile::write(char * c, int l) { for (int i = 0; i < l;i++) MyFile.print(c+i); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:31: error: 'void SdFile::write(char*, int)' previously defined here
  void write(char *, int l){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:23: error: redefinition of 'void SdFile::write(const char*, int)'
  void SdFile::write(const char * c, int l) { for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) MyFile.print(c + i); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:32: error: 'void SdFile::write(const char*, int)' previously defined here
  void write(const char *, int l){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:26: error: redefinition of 'SdFat::SdFat()'
  SdFat::SdFat() { SPIFFS_formatted = eeprom_read_byte((void *)SPIFFS_F_BY); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:9: error: 'SdFat::SdFat()' previously defined here
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:27: error: redefinition of 'void SdFat::remove(char*)'
  void SdFat::remove(char data[]) { SPIFFS.remove(data); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:10: error: 'void SdFat::remove(char*)' previously defined here
  void remove(char data[]){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:28: error: redefinition of 'bool SdFat::exists(char*)'
  bool SdFat::exists(char* buf) { SPIFFS.exists(buf); }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:11: error: 'bool SdFat::exists(char*)' previously defined here
  bool exists(char* buf){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:29: error: redefinition of 'bool SdFat::mkdir(char*)'
  bool SdFat::mkdir(char data[]) {}
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:12: error: 'bool SdFat::mkdir(char*)' previously defined here
  bool mkdir(char data[]){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:30: error: redefinition of 'bool SdFat::chdir(char*)'
  bool SdFat::chdir(char data[]) { int i; while (data[i] != 0) FULLName[i++] = data[i]; FULLName[i] = '\0'; }
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:13: error: 'bool SdFat::chdir(char*)' previously defined here
  bool chdir(char data[]){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:31: error: redefinition of 'char* SdFat::vwd()'
  char *  SdFat::vwd() {}//da correggere--------------------------------------------------cerca chiamata ///////////
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:14: error: 'char* SdFat::vwd()' previously defined here
  char *  vwd(){}//da correggere--------------------------------------------------cerca chiamata ///////////
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:32: error: prototype for 'bool SdFat::begin(uint8_t, uint8_t)' does not match any in class 'SdFat'
  bool SdFat::begin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2) {
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:15: error: candidate is: bool SdFat::begin(int, int)
  bool begin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
SPIFFSdFat.cpp:38: error: prototype for 'bool SdFat::cardBegin(uint8_t, uint8_t)' does not match any in class 'SdFat'
  bool SdFat::cardBegin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2) {
In file included from sketch/SPIFFSdFat.cpp:1:0:
SPIFFSdFat.h:17: error: candidate is: bool SdFat::cardBegin(int, int)
  bool cardBegin(uint8_t csPin = SS, uint8_t divisor = 2){}
Multiple libraries were found for "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h"
 Used: /home/sukanime/Arduino/libraries/LiquidCrystal
 Not used: /home/sukanime/Arduino/libraries/ESP8266-I2C-LCD1602
 Not used: /home/sukanime/Arduino/libraries/ESP8266-I2C-LCD1602
 Not used: /home/sukanime/Arduino/libraries/ESP8266-I2C-LCD1602
 Not used: /home/sukanime/Arduino/libraries/ESP8266-I2C-LCD1602
Multiple libraries were found for "Dns.h"
 Used: /home/sukanime/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0/libraries/Ethernet
 Not used: /opt/arduino-1.8.3/libraries/Ethernet
 Not used: /opt/arduino-1.8.3/libraries/Ethernet
 Not used: /opt/arduino-1.8.3/libraries/Ethernet
 Not used: /opt/arduino-1.8.3/libraries/Ethernet
exit status 1
'uint8_t' has not been declared