OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware WU API working but no Weather Data for Zimmerman adjustment Reply To: WU API working but no Weather Data for Zimmerman adjustment



@Jemba Okay I identified your issue specifically. If you look at the reply from WUnderground, your daily summary data is empty. This is resulting in a lack of data showing the resulting summary:

{ icon: 'partlycloudy',
  timezone: '+0200',
  sunrise: 342,
  sunset: 1294,
  maxTemp: NaN,
  minTemp: NaN,
  temp: 78,
  humidity: NaN,
  precip: 0,
  solar: 1,
  wind: NaN,
  elevation: 400 }

Noticed all the NaN values which means it’s missing. This is causing the scale not to be calculated. If this changed recently maybe WUnderground is now omitting this data?