OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Update to latest firmware doesn't work [SOLVED – See solution in thread] Reply To: Update to latest firmware doesn't work [SOLVED – See solution in thread]




I’m in Queanbeyan. Unfortunately the current data feed to the Zimmerman algorithm appears to reset each midnight and is calculated instantaneously before each watering. So the average of min & max is only since midnight rather than the day before, so if you water after midnight it’s all wrong.

What would solve the problem over here is to get the BOM to publish a percent watering data feed for each weather site, they already have the data, which all automatic sprinkler users could use. I think it would save a lot of water. I have some BOM contacts and will see what I can do. There is a similar feed in Southern California.

Happy to invite you here to see my whole setup if you like.
