OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Always have "Water Level: 100%" What am I doing wrong? Reply To: Always have "Water Level: 100%" What am I doing wrong?



The first thing to check is at the homepage, swipe left to right (or click the upper-left corner icon) to open the left-side menu, then ‘System Diagnostics’. Look at two time stamps: the Last Weather Call and Last Successful Weather Call. If the Last Successful Weather Call time stamp lags behind the first one, or is simply not available, that means the controller never received the weather call result, which explains why the water level has never changed.

There are several possible reasons why it might not be receiving the result back: maybe you set a firewall on your router to block incoming packets to OpenSprinkler; maybe you set the controller in static IP mode but set the incorrect gateway IP.

If the Last Successful Weather Call is up to date, then the only thing I can think of would be the Location setting is incorrect which causes the weather script to ignore the location and return 100% all the time.