OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software weewx-opensprinkler: Local weather control for OpenSprinkler Reply To: weewx-opensprinkler: Local weather control for OpenSprinkler



yes I set a location and I also get a response like: &scale=200&rd=-1&tz=56&sunrise=348&sunset=1330&eip=******&rawData={"h":51.75,"p":0,"t":82.2,"raining":0}
and I had it working for about a hour… didn’t changed at weewx side.. at OS I pressed a few times the save button on /SU page and config..

So somehow it’s losing or time-out the calls to the weather-service. (OS weather-service is receiving a new weather update from weewx on every 5 minutes).

I poked the weather-service call a few times now.. and yes it’s updating the output on the api when WeeWx has send a update.
&scale=200&rd=-1&tz=56&sunrise=348&sunset=1330&eip=******&rawData={"h":52.56,"p":0,"t":81.7,"raining":0} for now.. clearly a new temperature and humm.

so I think it’s upstream from the weather-service to the OS kernel that don’t updates the weather stats or calculations.