OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Change Firmware to control stations directly via GPIO pins (relays) Reply To: Change Firmware to control stations directly via GPIO pins (relays)



> So not need to change any other line in this file or any other, right?

It depends on how the other GPIOs are connected on your “ESP12F_Relay_X8” board!

Just check all my changes by searching for “#ifdef ESP12F_RELAY_X4”
For example I changed
– “V2_PIN_BUTTON_3” from “IOEXP_PIN+12” to “15”
– “V2_PIN_RFTX” from “15” to “IOEXP_PIN+12”

See also my change in gpio.cpp at “if (BUTTON_3_PULLDOWN && pin == PIN_BUTTON_3) {”
