OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler OS3.0 Wifi reported as “Poor” and/or “Unuseable” Reply To: OS3.0 Wifi reported as “Poor” and/or “Unuseable”



ignore the previous post (says its awaiting moderation and then the forum won’t let me edit b/c of too many redirects (deleted cookies to no avail)

I think there may be a software solution for Orbi-type systems … sanity check me here

it appears that WiFi begin accepts a BSSID argument….

A work-around for this would be to display all BSSIDs on the Wifi page (ie. I’d see 4 entries for my network) and instead of joining by SSID, I join by BSSID (ie. mac address of the particular Orbi station). Both the OS3 and Orbi are fixed.. they aren’t moving around… so that guarantees that the OS3 will connect to the Orbi with the strongest signal.


(and if some of this already exists, apologies, I’m still trying to learn my way around and my CPP is pretty rusty.. I see that some of the start_network calls actually use a BSSID)