OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Nice App and Addition suggestions, questions



I have the opportunity to interface this device/software with some agricultural sprinkler system circles so the application they will want will be custom and the hardware interface will be 24v AC relays over 440v VAC systems.

The mobile app is Nice, Really Nice addition to Opensprinkler. I use Android, far as I see the Mobile App works perfectly.
I intend to create a graphing interface for run time per “zone” with gallons, energy costs per gallon/hour etc. and hook it into this app if I can debug the code far enough to do this. This addition would require setup of a local server to handle the X minute polling of the status bits from the controller(s) as well as the gallon/minute and energy cost settings etc. More info that would be of value for possible load shedding etc. I doubt I can integrate into the full blow mobile app with ajax, ajax is above my level of experience at this point.

Where are import/export configurations stored?

Thank you,

Jerry Allen