OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Compiling and Uploading to 2.1 via Mint Linux Image Re: Re: Compiling and Uploading to 2.1 via Mint Linux Image



This post is similar to what I just posted in the SquareWear thread, basically, it’s an updated and improved VirtualBox image 🙂

A quick note that I’ve uploaded a pre-configured VirtualBox Linux Mint 13 image to the following url:
this is intended for users who are having trouble installing the USB drivers in Windows 8 and/or 64-bit, and the image has pre-installed Arduino, OpenSprinkler 1.x, 2.x source code, and SquareWear source code. It allows you to set up a virtual Linux (you need to install VirtualBox software) and it can pass through all USB devices to the virtual OS, so you can compile an OpenSprinkler or SquareWear program and upload it to the microcontroller directly in the virtual OS, without any driver installation.

Please use 7-zip or WinRAR to decompress the above file (the reason it’s in 7z format is that it’s a more efficient compression scheme that results in 50% smaller file size). Once you decompress, there is a README.pdf in the package with further instructions.