OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler with Screenshots (Updat



@kenbob wrote:

I have been really pleased with this mobile app and all the hard work you have done salbahra. It looks very professional.

Here are some suggestions that you may consider if you like. If you have already covered or discussed any of this please forgive me. 😕

Option to edit Opensprinkler IP Address
Option to change the password for Opensprinkler
Option to change the password for Mobile Web App
5 Day Weather forcast next to the new current temp (really not important)
Show the station that is currently running on the main page
Show a 7 day Program Preview of the stations or have an additional button to view
Stop all stations should have a message box warning to proceed
Move the System Information section above the Program Control on the main page

Thank you very much! In regard to your suggestions:

1,2,3) There are multiple reasons I cannot do this (for now). The first one is security. The variables are stored in a configuration file which is actually a PHP file. If I allow strings to be manipulated a larger number of things go awry, especially from a security standpoint. I would have to meticulously validate all input to overcome this. I will see what I can do however it is my guess that most user’s wont be changing the device’s IP if setup correct to begin with (static IP or static DHCP reservation). Also, I do not allow the password to be changed on the OpenSprinkler through my mobile app and thus do not allow the configuration to be changed. I think these things, for now, need to be handled through the native OpenSprinkler GUI.

4) I do not have enough room to cram the forecast in the space next to the temperature on mobile devices and thus have spent no time bringing that information in. It is possible to allow “scrolling” of the weather on narrow screens and a full forecast on wider screens but I really don’t think Yahoo! weather information is the best source of forecast information. A lot of user’s seem interested in me switching to Weather Underground and allowing user’s to set an API key to use the service. This is something I am looking into however I really do not expect this to come to fruition. The main hesitation I have with this is most weather app’s on mobile will be far superior to anything I will create and show much better information. I really just wanted a quick overview of the weather and was happy with that. Again, not saying anything is final but that is where I stand on the issue. If anyone wants to patch/modify the code and push the changes to the main branch please do and let me know! I would be glad to help in this endeavor.

5) This is something I really want and just have not had time to incorporate in. I will say, expect this feature soon!

6) I am having trouble fitting one day’s program on the screen and seriously doubt I could find a way to fit 7 days. I realize you are probably using a desktop or large screen device but this project started for the iPhone and matured from there. My experience is designed around the iPhone and I really don’t see a feasible way to achieve this on such a small screen.

7) I was actually debating this and after your suggestion am sure I need this. Expect this soon!

8) I like this suggestion and will push this soon as well!

Thank you again for all the feedback!