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Thank you so much, I am an idiot! I added UTC to the main.php but forgot to push it to watcher.php. I just pushed that change now. Hopefully, that is what we needed!

Edit: I also remember why I left UTC in config.php now 😛 So I only define it once. But this way is better in the long run, if it works.

Edit 2: To summarize for anyone reading this. The timezone problem was fixed a while back however anyone who was using my program before the timezone fix got hit with a new problem. This program applied timezone offset calculation while still using local timezone (because the config.php was not updated). Earlier I decided to move the timezone declaration out of config.php (since it is no longer user configurable) and move it into main.php. I decided to put it after requiring config.php that way I overrode the user setting (effectively moving everyone over to the new format). However, I forgot to update the watcher.php which runs every minute and this was still using the local time to update the log files. This has now been fixed. Anyone with problems at this point is advised to update to the latest version and delete the old log entries.

If any further issues persist please let me know!