OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



Well so far I am still working on getting the Ubuntu to work, so I cannot really use the information pasted here. I will get it though! lol Although I am now wondering if I should be using the server version instead of the desktop version. I am really a graphical person, so I prefer the GUI, but after reading, I am not sure it will do what I want to do with open sprinkler. hmmmm

I did try to look at the new program you posted above and I guess I need to spend some more time. I am not sure if it is fully functional yet, but I cannot get into my sprinkler control with it. Maybe I need to try to do that when I am more awake. lol

Anyway, I REALLY REALLY want to thank you all for all of your efforts to make this awesome program. I will be donating soon to your efforts!
