OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



OK.. so the reason I was not able to log in properly was because my IP address was not what comes up when I do a what is my IP search. Not sure why. I did a port forwarding tester program and it showed a different IP. MUCH different.

Regardless… I am ONLINE!! This is VERY cool. I have tried it from several computers in the home and also from my Android phone and all seem to work perfectly!

I am still going to work on getting the linux box set up and working that way, but until then, this is AWESOME!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! This is the system.. hardware and software.. that I have been seeking for a long time!

You guys are all AWESOME!!