OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



Very cool app. I’ve got it running on my raspberry pi and everything runs like a charm.

One bug that I noticed: when creating or modifying a program, the interval slider has a maximum value that seems to be too high for the backend opensprinkler program (at least the one running on the RPi). If you select the maximum value, it respnds as if everything is behaving correctly (and in fact, the program even shows up in the schedule), but it does not seem to actually execute when the time comes. I notice that if I use the same value (24 hours, 00 minutes) on the python-based interval program it displays an error and doesn’t allow me to save. On the mobile app, it does let me save, but the interval silently ignores the offending program. I suppose one could mark this up as a bug in both the mobile and the python program, since the python program ought to correctly validate the programs it’s receiving from the mobile app but it’s probably a ridiculously easy fix on the mobile app side.

Sorry if the bug detail is confusing. I can clarify if you don’t understand. Basically, however, the maximum needs to be set down to 23 hours and 59 minutes (I think), instead of a full 24 hours.