OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



Seeing I was giving the new version a full workout thought I’d let you know some program preview issues I’ve seen.

Bugs in program preview on Win7 & Chrome
On the program previous screen I get this:[attachment=2:2odwybk8]os4.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
Don’t see this on phone (Android/Chrome) or PC Firefox. Anyway the up/down button advance/decrement the displayed date. If I advance to 31 Juy (not a date!) I get a screen with Nan for columns:[attachment=1:2odwybk8]preview1.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
I also get this if I press the blue X next to up/down button – but it then displays:[attachment=0:2odwybk8]preview2.PNG[/attachment:2odwybk8]
Pressing the up/down button still advances the dd part, but leaves the other parts of the format string eg: 02/mm/yyyy
On Firefox (PC) there is no way to change date apart from actual edit the date on the screen and refresh.
And I on Android the only way seems to bring up date picker (no advance 1 day feature?).
Also on Android the scroll left/right does’nt work to see the full hours of the day – so I can only see a 2-hour window of the preview.