OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



@salbahra wrote:

I actually have done something like that before but since then I have quit instant messaging completely and stopped caring about things like that. The good news is I am actually in talks with Ray to *MAYBE* bring an XMPP protocol to the OpenSprinkler which would open all of the doors your discussing now. Since that would allow alerts to be pushed out it would just be the web app’s coding that would be left. I know Apple has Safari push notifications now that work even if the browser is closed, for web apps. This is an exciting time and hopefully all this tech comes together correctly to allow us notifications without relying on MSN/AIM.

Jaiks. I’m so excited I probably can’t sleep tonight either… 😆

XMPP is also ok. This would be great…

I started to get some issues with the last git pull I did. I often get ‘Loading Weather…’, but no weather, and the webapp sort of freezes. Give it a minute or two and it starts to respond again… I don’t know why, just wanted to give you a heads up.

I’ll do another pull now to have a look at the unit changes based on location.
