OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



So on the web interface, the weather only seems to update if you refresh the main page. I thought it was just me, but I opened the web page on my laptop early today and it never changed. I just looked at it again, and it still says the same weather. I know the system works as I just opened the same page on my Phone— STILL VERY VERY COOL BTW!!!— and it shows the actual current weather. Maybe it is just me, or an issue with the web interface. Not sure.

I think the weather icon at the top is cool, but in the space to the right or left you could have something that says sprinklers ON.. or rain delay on… I have still not worked on a rain sensor here yet.. of course it has been almost 100 the last few weeks, and we are in a drought, so it has not been a priority. LOL

Again, excellent work and I am so glad you are working with Ray on this project. He came up with a totally awesome hardware package that works flawlessly, and with your interface, again.. just what I was looking for.

Thanks again