OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



@salbahra wrote:

I’m typing this out using Siri so sorry for the mistakes but if you don’t mind let me know what time zone is configured in the mobile web config.php. Thanks!

Thanks Samer, here it is:

$webtitle = 'Sprinkler System';
$os_ip = '';
$os_pw = '';
$timeViewWindow = '7 days';
$pass_file = '/var/www/OpenSprinkler-Controller/.htpasswd';
$cache_file = '/var/www/OpenSprinkler-Controller/.cache';
$log_file = '/var/www/OpenSprinkler-Controller/SprinklerChanges.txt';
$log_previous = '/var/www/OpenSprinkler-Controller/SprinklerPrevious.txt';