OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)



Looks like the times are correct now. thanks.

I really like the ability to toggle zones on and off by tapping the legend entry. Nice touch. I think it would be a good idea to have the ability to completely remove a station(s) from the graph (and the legend) through some kind of configuration switch. I have three unused stations that add clutter the legend. Perhaps a row of checkboxes at the bottom of the options menu?

One thing I’ve noticed now is that in IE10 and Firefox the legend color does not appear. Yes I know this a mobile webapp but I thought I’d let you know anyway 🙂

One question, where did the field to enter the number of days to store log info go? I can’t seem to find it.
