OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)



@djagerif I posted a fix for the issue. Let me know if this resolved it. Also, @charvel, I noticed this bug appeared as a result of an addition you made. From what I gathered, you don’t want the master station time to be added or used for the program time nor do you want it listed with a timer on current status page (similar to the native home page).

My solution to keep your suggestion was to unset the master station from the open station array. So it won’t be considered for any of the calculations. I also modified the current status page to only show if the master station is on/off. I tested the following situations and it seems to work fine: 3 stations using run-once program with a master and without a master. I tested both sets with sequential and nonsequential. In the master set, 1 of the 3 stations was the master station as well.

Let me know if your results are the same, for both of you.
