OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)



@kenbob I already do my own logging don’t see why I would use a platform specific log when the idea is to be cross platform (OpenSprinkler vs OpenSprinkler Pi). I don’t see any real advantage, honestly.

I just added a simple user management system. It allows you to add/edit/delete users for the mobile app. The user management is in the settings menu and lists the users which are expandable to reveal a change password option and a delete button. You can also tap add in the top right corner to add a new user. If you delete a user that’s currently signed in, you will be logged out. Also, all tokens for the deleted user will expire instantly. So, don’t delete yourself or you could lock yourself out (at which point you could delete config.php and run the installer again).

If any bugs crop up please let me know!