OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Python Interval Program now has "Ignore rain" option Re: Re: Python Interval Program now has “Ignore rain” option



Look in /data/sd.json and check to see if “htp” is what you intend it to be. Mine pointed to the wrong port and once I set it manually it worked. I run mine on 8080.

pi@raspberrypi:~/OSPi/data$ cat sd.json
{“en”: 1, “seq”: 0, “mnp”: 32, “rsn”: 0, “htp”: 8080, “nst”: 32, “rdst”: 0, “loc”: “Irene,ZA”, “tz”: 56, “rs”: 0, “tu”: “C”, “rd”: 0, “mton”: 0, “lr”: “100”, “sdt”: 0, “mas”: 8, “bsy”: 1, “lg”: “checked”, “wl”: 100, “nopts”: 13, “pwd”: “b3BlbmRvb3I=”, “ipas”: 0, “urs”: 1, “rst”: 1, “mm”: 0, “mo”: [255, 255, 255, 255], “rbt”: 0, “mtoff”: 0, “nprogs”: 4, “nbrd”: 4}
