OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Run-Once Program stalls Re: Re: Run-Once Program stalls



Thanks. It looks like I cannot use the Chrome remote debug tools on And 2.2 (requires 4.0 and above). I’m not sure if I’m on the right track for retrieving the right error messages, but I downloaded an app to view logcat messages – are these the messages you need? If so, this is what I got from the viewer app over the short time that I initiated the Run-Once Program. The ‘E’ and ‘W’ are Error and Warning messages respectively.

03-02 08:13:55.418 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22214): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
03-02 08:13:56.958 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(198): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
03-02 08:13:59.388 E/browser (22535): Console: Uncaught illegal access
03-02 08:14:00.058 E/ClockWidget(198): weatherClock onReceive~ mUseAnimation:false
03-02 08:14:00.058 E/ClockWidget(198): handleUiMessage~ in pause. msg:36867
03-02 08:14:00.058 E/ClockWidget(198): weatherClock onReceive~ mUseAnimation:false
03-02 08:14:00.658 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22535): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
03-02 08:14:00.658 W/InputManagerService(92): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@467bfcb8 (uid=10018 pid=22535)