# !/usr/bin/env python import datetime from random import randint from threading import Thread import sys import traceback import shutil import json import time import re import os import urllib import urllib2 import errno import web import gv # Get access to ospi's settings from urls import urls # Get access to ospi's URLs from ospi import template_render from webpages import ProtectedPage def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise # Add a new url to open the data entry page. urls.extend(['/lwa', 'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings', '/lwj', 'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings_json', '/luwa', 'plugins.weather_level_adj.update']) # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu gv.plugin_menu.append(['Weather-based Water Level', '/lwa']) ################################################################################ # Main function loop: # ################################################################################ class WeatherLevelChecker(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.start() self.status = '' self._sleep_time = 0 def add_status(self, msg): if self.status: self.status += '\n' + msg else: self.status = msg print msg def update(self): self._sleep_time = 0 def _sleep(self, secs): self._sleep_time = secs while self._sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(1) self._sleep_time -= 1 def run(self): time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information while True: try: self.status = '' options = options_data() if options["auto_wl"] == "off": if 'wl_weather' in gv.sd: del gv.sd['wl_weather'] else: remove_data(['history_', 'conditions_', 'forecast10day_']) history = history_info() forecast = forecast_info() today = today_info() info = {} for day in range(-20, 20): if day in history: day_info = history[day] elif day in forecast: day_info = forecast[day] else: continue info[day] = day_info if 0 in info and 'rain_mm' in today: day_time = datetime.datetime.now().time() day_left = 1.0 - (day_time.hour * 60 + day_time.minute) / 24.0 / 60 info[0]['rain_mm'] = info[0]['rain_mm'] * day_left + today['rain_mm'] if not info: self.add_status(str(history)) self.add_status(str(today)) self.add_status(str(forecast)) raise Exception('No information available!') self.add_status('Using %d days of information.' % len(info)) total_info = { 'temp_c': sum([val['temp_c'] for val in info.values()])/len(info), 'rain_mm': sum([val['rain_mm'] for val in info.values()]), 'wind_ms': sum([val['wind_ms'] for val in info.values()])/len(info), 'humidity': sum([val['humidity'] for val in info.values()])/len(info) } # We assume that the default 100% provides 4mm water per day (normal need) # We calculate what we will need to provide using the mean data of X days around today water_needed = 4 * len(info) # 4mm per day water_needed *= 1 + (total_info['temp_c'] - 20) / 15 # 5 => 0%, 35 => 200% water_needed *= 1 + (total_info['wind_ms'] / 100) # 0 => 100%, 20 => 120% water_needed *= 1 - (total_info['humidity'] - 50) / 200 # 0 => 125%, 100 => 75% water_needed = round(water_needed, 1) water_left = water_needed - total_info['rain_mm'] water_left = round(max(0, min(100, water_left)), 1) water_adjustment = round((water_left / (4 * len(info))) * 100, 1) water_adjustment = max(float(options['wl_min']), min(float(options['wl_max']), water_adjustment)) self.add_status('Water needed (%d days): %.1fmm' % (len(info), water_needed)) self.add_status('Total rainfall : %.1fmm' % total_info['rain_mm']) self.add_status('_______________________________-') self.add_status('Irrigation needed : %.1fmm' % water_left) self.add_status('Weather Adjustment : %.1f%%' % water_adjustment) gv.sd['wl_weather'] = water_adjustment self._sleep(3600) except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() err_string = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) self.add_status('Weather-base water level encountered error:\n' + err_string) ## IW changed this from 60 to 1800. Wunderground has a limit of 500 queries per day and if you get an ## error then checking every minute takes you way way over that limit and your (free) account will be suspended ## If the error was in the program, then you will just keep trying self._sleep(1800) time.sleep(0.5) checker = WeatherLevelChecker() ################################################################################ # Web pages: # ################################################################################ class settings(ProtectedPage): """Load an html page for entering weather-based irrigation adjustments""" def GET(self): return template_render.weather_level_adj(options_data()) class settings_json(ProtectedPage): """Returns plugin settings in JSON format""" def GET(self): web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') return json.dumps(options_data()) class update(ProtectedPage): """Save user input to weather_level_adj.json file""" def GET(self): qdict = web.input() if 'auto_wl' not in qdict: qdict['auto_wl'] = 'off' with open('./data/weather_level_adj.json', 'w') as f: # write the settings to file json.dump(qdict, f) checker.update() raise web.seeother('/') ################################################################################ # Helper functions: # ################################################################################ def options_data(): # Defaults: result = { 'auto_wl': 'off', 'wl_min': 0, 'wl_max': 200, 'days_history': 3, 'days_forecast': 3, 'wapikey': '', 'status': checker.status } try: with open('./data/weather_level_adj.json', 'r') as f: # Read the settings from file file_data = json.load(f) for key, value in file_data.iteritems(): if key in result: result[key] = value except Exception: pass return result # Resolve location to LID def get_wunderground_lid(): if re.search("pws:", gv.sd['loc']): lid = gv.sd['loc'] else: # IW patch try: # end IW patch - watch the indentation data = urllib2.urlopen("http://autocomplete.wunderground.com/aq?h=0&query="+urllib.quote_plus(gv.sd['loc'])) data = json.load(data) # IW patch except Exception,e: print str(e) print "Check your Internet connection is working" print "Try pinging www.google.com from your OSPi's command line" print "If your Raspberry Pi cant ping google, then IT probably has a DNS problem" print "Check you have a valid DNS nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf" print "If not add nameserver to the file" data = None # end IW patch if data is None: return "" lid = "zmw:" + data['RESULTS'][0]['zmw'] return lid def get_data(suffix, name=None, force=False): if name is None: name = suffix options = options_data() path = os.path.join('.', 'data', 'weather_level_history', name) directory = os.path.dirname(path) mkdir_p(directory) try_nr = 1 while try_nr <= 2: try: if not os.path.exists(path) or force: with open(path, 'wb') as fh: req = urllib2.urlopen("http://api.wunderground.com/api/"+options['wapikey']+"/" + suffix) while True: chunk = req.read(20480) if not chunk: break fh.write(chunk) try: with file(path, 'r') as fh: data = json.load(fh) except ValueError: raise Exception('Failed to read ' + path + '.') if data is not None: if 'error' in data['response']: raise Exception(str(data['response']['error'])) else: raise Exception('JSON decoding failed.') except Exception as err: if try_nr < 2: print str(err), 'Retrying.' os.remove(path) else: raise try_nr += 1 return data def remove_data(prefixes): # Delete old files for prefix in prefixes: check_date = datetime.date.today() start_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=14) day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) check_date -= start_delta for index in range(60): datestring = check_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') path = os.path.join('.', 'data', 'weather_level_history', prefix + datestring) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) check_date -= day_delta ################################################################################ # Info queries: # ################################################################################ def history_info(): options = options_data() if int(options['days_history']) == 0: return {} lid = get_wunderground_lid() if lid == "": raise Exception('No Location ID found!') check_date = datetime.date.today() day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) info = {} for index in range(-1, -1 - int(options['days_history']), -1): check_date -= day_delta datestring = check_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') request = "history_"+datestring+"/q/"+lid+".json" data = get_data(request) if data and len(data['history']['dailysummary']) > 0: info[index] = data['history']['dailysummary'][0] result = {} for index, day_info in info.iteritems(): result[index] = { 'temp_c': float(day_info['maxtempm']), 'rain_mm': float(day_info['precipm']), 'wind_ms': float(day_info['meanwindspdm']) / 3.6, 'humidity': float(day_info['humidity']) } return result def today_info(): lid = get_wunderground_lid() if lid == "": raise Exception('No Location ID found!') datestring = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d') request = "conditions/q/"+lid+".json" name = "conditions_"+datestring+"/q/"+lid+".json" data = get_data(request, name, True) day_info = data['current_observation'] ### IW patch to stop crash when trying to convert '--' to float if (day_info['temp_c'] == '--' ) : day_info['temp_c'] = '00' if (day_info['precip_today_metric'] == '--' ) : day_info['precip_today_metric'] = '00' if (day_info['wind_kph'] == '--' ) : day_info['wind_kph'] = '00' if (day_info['relative_humidity'] == '--' ) : day_info['relative_humidity'] = '00' ### end patch result = { 'temp_c': float(day_info['temp_c']), 'rain_mm': float(day_info['precip_today_metric']), 'wind_ms': float(day_info['wind_kph']) / 3.6, 'humidity': float(day_info['relative_humidity'].replace('%', '')) } return result def forecast_info(): options = options_data() lid = get_wunderground_lid() if lid == "": raise Exception('No Location ID found!') datestring = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d') request = "forecast10day/q/"+lid+".json" name = "forecast10day_"+datestring+"/q/"+lid+".json" data = get_data(request, name) info = {} for day_index, entry in enumerate(data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']): info[day_index] = entry result = {} for index, day_info in info.iteritems(): if index <= int(options['days_forecast']): result[index] = { 'temp_c': float(day_info['high']['celsius']), 'rain_mm': float(day_info['qpf_allday']['mm']), 'wind_ms': float(day_info['avewind']['kph']) / 3.6, 'humidity': float(day_info['avehumidity']) } return result