OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) WiFi Config GUI not working

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    I have been playing with the OSPi for a few months now waiting for my landscaping project to complete. One thing I have had issues with is the WiFi Config GUI never shows the adapter if I use the pre configured SD image. If I load the card with Raspian the GUI works firts time. I have loaded both the old version and the 2.0 version with the same results. Anyone know why this image doesn’t support the WiFi Gui tool. The Edimax wifi card is seen during boot and shows up in lsusb.




    There is no reason to use the image, honestly.

    Just instal OSPi yourself which uses already installed tools.

    Simply run: git clone



    You don’t need the GUI. There is instructions on Rays site.

    But if you have a configured image done via the GUI then just copy the configuration file manually

    (On GUI config image)
    cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    On ospi image edit (nano or vi) that file and replace contents.

    The other thing to try is to do a patch of the system (apt-get update). That might download a working GUI



    If he has a working install with wifi, why make him switch when all that’s needed is a small download of OSPi?



    Thanks for all the suggestions. I know how to get it working manually. I have built it with a clean install of Raspian and installed the app. That worked. The reason I wanted the image instead of the self install is that I want to switch between the 2 different apps to see which one I liked better. There doesn’t seem to be any instructions on how to build a duplicate of the disk image exactly the way it comes configured. Besides, if you want this to be adopted by people with different computer skills, the features built into Raspian should still all work.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) WiFi Config GUI not working