OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)



@salbahra wrote:

@Avery There is a much easier solution! Using Ray’s hosted version of the web app. Just goto and put the IP for your OpenSprinkler and the password set on the device (default: opendoor). You should be logged right in.

If you really want to install the copy yourself we can proceed from there, let me know.

Hi Samer,

Thanks for all of your contributions!

Yes, I was aware of that option. Because I am using this to water a huge vegetable garden and fruit trees I’d like the predictability of knowing when software changes, etc occur. I’d hate to be out of the country for a month to have a software bug potentially lead to a lot of plants dying, etc. And the ability to roll back/forward the software as needed.
