OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware problems on first regularly scheduled programs after FW 2.1.0 update Reply To: problems on first regularly scheduled programs after FW 2.1.0 update



Hi – I’m not sure if my problem is related to this issue, but it may be.

I have recently installed the OpenSprinkler (fully assembled) which I had recently purchased so it has the latest firmware, v 2.1.1.

Everything was working as of yesterday morning (though I had only had two full days of operation), but then I noticed two things:

  1. the weather stopped appearing on the front page – no picture or even an empty square, it just disappeared; and
  2. when I went to view logs, I get the ‘no entries found in the selected date range’ message, despite logs having worked fine up until then.

In respect of the weather issue, if I go into ‘Edit Options’ and change my location it does not come up with a list of locations. Previously I would type Perth and then I could select from several locations. Now if I type anything, nothing happens (as shown in the attached screenshot).

I’m not sure if they are related issues or not.

Thanks for any help,

