OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) F1 Blown on OSPi board, but no longer in schematic? Reply To: F1 Blown on OSPi board, but no longer in schematic?



I opened a ticket on this, but still haven’t got an answer. So, I thought I’d try again here.

I ordered up both through hole and SMT versions of the fuses. Should I populate only one, or both? If just one, which one?

The reply I got from the ticket asked me to send a photo of the board. I replied with a photo of both and got a response that F2 was clearly blown on one of them. (That was pretty obvious).

The ticket also said to measure resistance across the supply nets to verify no other parts were shorted (that’s pretty obvious too). But, what I’m looking for:

1) Should both the SMT fuse and through hole be populated? Probably not, but the first board that failed had both populated.
2) Is a schematic available that matches these boards? (the schematics I’ve found show neither an SMT nor through hole fuse).

Dave Thomas