I’m new to OpenSprinkler and have been playing around with the water adjustment methods since firing it up. Love how flexible OpenSprinkler, but I’m wishing there was a bit more adjust-ability in the water adjustment settings.
I’ve noticed that trying to water in the mornings using the Zimmerman method just doesn’t cut it because it calculates water level percentages based on the current temperature. Using the baseline of 70F in the settings produces a negative effect and low watering percentages. Around my parts, it’s not really practical to try to change the Zimmerman values to water based on the days low.
The manual method on the other hand would require me to login to the controller to make adjustments several times throughout the watering season. Our summers are generally short with mostly consistent weather. But it’s not out of the norm to have several high heat days roll through which tend to take a toll on the plant life quickly.
What I’m proposing is a new “Manu-Matic Adjust” method.
Baseline Temp = 70
Adjustment factor = 0.75%
Let’s say the high of the day is 90. OpenSprinkler would take the high of 90 and subtract the baseline temp of 70. Take the remainder of 20 and multiply by the adjustment percentage/factor of 0.75. What we’re left with is the adjustment percentage of 15%. The water level would adjust to 115%.
Let’s say the high of the day is 62. OpenSprinkler would take the baseline temp of 70 and subtract 62. Then take 8 and multiply by the adjustment factor. We’re left with a 6% adjustment factor. The water level would adjust to 94%.