OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Create program with API


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    Hope someone will understand my question 🙂
    I’m trying to create programs through API.
    I’m following API documentation
    I’m having trouble with the bit encoding, page 6, part 14 (14. Get Program Data [Keyword /jp])

    If I understand well the “flag” element contains binary values. But I can’t figure how to convert it.
    For example a program that is enabled, that dont use weather adjustment, no restrictions, use weekdays, no repetitions, no date range should be encoded at bit level as : “10000000” – if I understand the documentation.
    When I get my program data through API (opensprinklerIP/jp?pw=xxx) for such a program the flag is “1”.
    How a bit sequence “10000000” is converted to “1” ?
    When I use online converters, ( the binary 10000000 is converted to octal value 200, not 1.
    I’m stuck at that point.
    Thanks, have a good day !



    Hi Raphael,
    In bit fields, the Least Significant Bit (bit 0) is the right most bit. In your example: where the program is enabled and all other bits are zero, the field will look like: 00000001.



    Thanks a lot. I was thinking of bits like letters (left to right) but they are numbers (right to left). What a fool. Thanks a lot for your answer ! Have a good day.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Create program with API