OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware I'm thinking Mr. Zimmerman didn't live where I live Reply To: I'm thinking Mr. Zimmerman didn't live where I live



+1 from Belgium.

Humidity doesn’t look relevant to me. Only max temperature and amount of rainfall in previous days (maybe more than 1 day in the past because a couple of days ago it rained 30l and there is currently no need to water 100% even if it did not rain yesterday) + expected rainfall in near future are relevant for me.

in Belgium is a hot day around 20 to 25 degree Celcius. If no rain was fallen in previous days, I schould have 100%, if temp is even more, 150% would be nice.

Currently the controller tells me 18% what is to low.


I will help testing or so if needed. Developping would be possible, but I don’t know how to start with this because I have no experience in open source projects.