OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 433mhz rf code transformation

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  • #50151



    I’m trying to control a radio socket outlet with my OSPi.

    I can switch it
    – on with ./433Utils/RPi_utils/send 1000 4 1 or ./433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 1381649
    – off with ./433Utils/RPi_utils/send 1000 4 0 or ./433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 1381652

    Can someone help me with the correct code transformation for the OSPi field “RF Code”? I tried several settings (DEC->HEX, etc., e.g. “1515111515140000”) without any success.

    Thanks a lot!



    The code is 16-character HEX format. The first 6 are the HEX of the on code; the second 6 are the HEX of the off code; the last 4 are the HEX of the timing (in us). For example, your on code is 1381649, so the first 6 digits of the code would be 151511; similarly the next 6 digits would be 151514. You didn’t publish the timing so I don’t know what the last 4 digits would be.



    Thanks for your fast respond. I could now get some more information about the signal (please see below). Which value has to be transformed to HEX?
    An additional question: OSPi uses the GPIO 17 (Pin 11) to send the data, correct?

    Received 1381649
    Received 1381649
    Bitlength 24
    Protocol 1
    Delay(pulse length in us) 390
    (delay provided from rc-switch)
    Duration of data bits in pulse train :  37803
    Data bit duration = 1575 and standard deviation = 75.68
    Coefficient of variation of data-bit duration = 4.80 % (should be less than 10%)
    Do not use the rest of the information if big coefficient of variation
    Long-to-short duration ratio for data bits (rounded) = 3
    Sync bit (in multiples of the pulseLength) = 1 28
    Proposed protocol for RCswitch
    { 390, { 1, 28 }, { 1, 3 }, { 3, 1 }, false }
    (Differences here are probably artifacts from signal creation or detection)
    (This might be completely ignored, but pay attention to them if big differences are present and emission does not work)
    number of bits set (in 1381649): 8
    longup, longdown, shortup, shortdown
    1076, 1184, 397, 486
    this might be useful for tweaking emmitting algorithms
    RAW SIGNAL (us)
    first level down 
    748 1177 379 1185 370 1180 1077 480 377 1185 1076 483 381 1178 1072 523 
    341 1179 377 1179 378 1194 1074 482 376 1186 1072 480 377 1206 1094 478 
    375 1183 375 1179 376 1187 1073 481 374 1185 375 1180 375 1182 1073 486 


    390 (pulse length) is the timing. So the last four digits should be 0186 (hex of 390). All together the code should be:



    I know this is a really old thread but im trying to capture my codes but they are all coming out to being 32 bits long (8 char hex) whilst the examples provided are all 24 bit (6 char hex)

    Does that make my transmitter useless as it doenst fit into the format of 6 + 6 + 4 for the RF code?



    How did you capture the code? Using Arduino?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 433mhz rf code transformation