OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Access Web App when internet down

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  • #48172



    I’ve just experienced a significant downtime on our home internet connection. During this time I was unable to access the Web App of open sprinkler whilst at home on my local network.

    Is there any reason anyone can suggest why the Web App is not accessible on my local network when the internet was down?



    The web app is hosted on our servers. This means for the browser based access a network connection is required (unless the files are cached). However, our applications available on all major mobile platforms and some desktop platforms. We also have documentation on our support website for hosting the web files locally if you wish. You may also use the document to download the files and just use them from a folder locally.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    is it unclear for me, without local internet I can access my opensprinbkler via the web with the local address for example?



    Hey Samer

    Thanks for the response. That explains it. You’ve offered several options for me to investigate.



    So I tried this out. I installed the UI files into a local web server I created on my local network. I then configured the OpenSprinkler3.0 according to the FAQ entry for the Java server location.

    What I was surprised was now I access the app locally with the WebServer IP and not the OS3 IP. I had been pointing to the local OS3 IP in the past. Why is this? The Web Server did ask me to scan my local network and it found the local OS3 IP. I was just wondering why this changed. Did I do something wrong? BTW – It appears to be working so not really complaining but trying to understand how the local UI hosting is supposed to work now.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Access Web App when internet down