I am new to this and have a simple question – I have a septic treatment tank that currently pumps water to various areas of garden / lawn depending on where i have manually set valves. The pump comes on whenever water level reaches a certain height to drain water.
I would like to use OS to manage the zones, essentially say 24 hours per zone. I cannot leave a solenoid open for 12 hours straight so i would like to sense when the pump comes on so i can then open a solenoid as determined by the current program.
Example – Monday – pump comes on – Zone 1 Solenoid Opens – Closes when pump turns off – this may happen several times per 12/24hr period
– Tuesday – pump comes on – Zone 2 Solenoid Opens……………..
– you get the picture
The reason for this is to ensure more even watering – if i forget to change valve position one area gets too much water now, or when I’m away but the family is still home….. Also, in winter, i would adjust the schedule so some areas get less water than in summer…..
Any thoughts appreciated? I am guessing a pump power “on” sensor to trigger?
Thanks in advance.