OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Add i2c station to ospi

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    I have several ospi’s using relay cards and gpio station type but this is limited to 18 stations. i have now a megaio boar witch connects directly to raspberry pi and as 8 i2c relays. Is it possible to add a i2c station type to ospi? I soupose the only way is modifying the firmware. If so how can we do that or anyone is working on this?



    Why not use expanders? OSPi supports expanders, each adding 16 zones.



    Why not use OpenSprinkler expanders? OSPi supports expanders, each adding 16 zones.



    I didn’t explain correctly, I don’t have opensprinkler pi hardware, I only have a raspberry pi running the ospi firmware connected to relay cards, using gpio. I need 25 stations and I can use only 18 GPIO’s. I have a “Mega-IO card” ( witch is stackable on raspberry pi and responds to I2C commands. Is it possible to give I2C commands from opensprinkler pi firmware as i think you do in Esp8266 based opensprinkler? Or can I use linux command line instruction inside opensprinkler firmware, as the card have is own software that responds to linux commands like for example “megaio 0 rwrite 1 1”? Can I use HTML type stations to give a linux command?



    Sure, I understand, but this request is too specialized, it’s unlikely that we will be able to implement this for you. The project is completely open-source, you can modify the firmware to add I2C type zones yourself.



    I am trying to modify the firmware and to simplify the process I want to add some unexisting gpio’s to the program and set a condition when the station as that gpio instead of setting that pin there will be a system() command specific to the megaio board. My problem now is that I add some more gpio’s to defines.h and they don’t appear in the available pin numbers in the UI after I recompile the unified-firmware.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Add i2c station to ospi