OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Adjustment Method Options not working

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  • #40434



    As the default Zimmerman method does not really apply right now (it hasn’t rained in ten days, the ground is bone-dry and needs watering, but it’s quite cool with a high humidity, so watering is always at 0%) I wanted to change the parameters under “Adjustment Method Options”. I can change the three parameters, but when I hit “Submit” they jump back to 100%.

    Does anyone else experience this?

    I’m running OsPI 2.1.6(1) on a raspberry pi.




    This might be a file permission issue: when saving the options they are stored in a local file in the firmware folder. How are you running the firmware, Did you set it to run automatically on start-up, or are you running the firmware program manually?



    I don’t know if this applies to your situation. This morning I notice that I was not watering. I has not rained in a few and their is a heat advisory. A quick look at the iPhone app revealed that watering % had inexplicably changed to 0 %. I changed it to 100% and got on with my life. Could perhaps, when watering is suppressed as it was Monday, the watering % is ‘sticking’ at zero?

    If this is the case. Then my observation might fit with yours.

    I am running 2.1.6 without other issues.



    I doubt that it’s a permission problem as the raspi only has one user (root) which is running the Opensprinkler via a startup script in /etc/init.d.

    I see it’s the wtopts.txt file that contains the values. If I change them manually with a text editor, they are used, so I can work around doing that. But it still doesn’t work via the web server.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Adjustment Method Options not working