OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware api questions for rain delay

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    I want to send a rain delay – that looks to be rd = 1 and rdst = some type of time – is that seconds or something else?

    when I manually set for 1 hour I see: 1435156374 so it looks like seconds from a date time

    I don’t see (rd and rdst) in the index for co so I’m not sure how to set them

    I’m on App:1.4.4, Hd: 2.1(AC) and FW:2.1.5(1)



    To set the rain delay the command is /cv with a parameter of &rd=n, where n is the number of hours.
    When looking at the status of the rain delay the command is /jc. rd will be 1 if the delay is in effect and rdst will be the time when the rain delay will end (in epoch time format).



    thanks – worked great

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware api questions for rain delay