OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Cleanup and upgrade to latest firmware.

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  • #39951


    Hi, I was looking for some help to upgrade to whatever the latest/best firmware is for the OSPI.

    I have the following directories when I type ls in putty terminal with the pi@ospi ~ $ ls
    demo gdata-2.0.18 OPSi-old python_games sprinklers_pi wiringPi
    Desktop ocr_pi.png OSPi select_program sprinklers_pi-1.0.6

    On the android phone app I have
    App Version:1.4.6
    Firmware: 2.2.30-OSPi

    What can I safely delete? And where are the settings I would need to backup?

    Also will the unified firmware have any way of setting up the paddlewheel style flow meters and log them to an SD card?



    Sorry for the delay but let me address your questions:

    1) You can simply use the app to backup your programs and settings (on Android). I recommend you use the email export so you have a tangible copy of the data.

    2) You can start over with a fresh image instead of having to worry about what to clean and what to keep. This can be done by following the latest instructions:

    3) Flow meter support, including logging, is now added in 2.1.6 which will be released soon.

    Thank you!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Cleanup and upgrade to latest firmware.