OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Connect two Outputs via Program Code

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  • #42823


    Hi there,

    i bought the opensprinkler pi and several valves. Everything is fully functional right now.
    The problem: I want my water pump to run only when any valve is running (noise reduction, efficiency, etc….).
    The first step is to buy an additional relay and put it behind one of the 8 outputs of the opensprinkler board (I choose the last one). By doing this, i should be able to control the pump via the firmware.

    Now the complicated part: My next thought is to go through the program code and find the necessary function to connect any other of the 7 outputs to the pump relay. Every time, i turn on any of the 7 outputs, i automatically want my 8th output (pump) to be turned on as well.

    I know basic programming, but not specifically how deep down i have to go to solve this issue.
    I would be happy, if someone could answer me any of these questions:
    -Is this logical and doable?
    -Is this a complex situation or do i only have to do some minor fixes on the code?
    -Where should i search in the code or what do i have to change?
    -Is there a better idea?

    I’m sorry for the long post and i hope, someone finds some time to help.

    Greetings from the currently not so beautiful Eifel in Germany 😀



    It sounds like what you are asking is the ‘Master Station’ feature, which OpenSprinkler already supports. Go to Edit Options -> Configure Master, and you can set any station as a Master Station. Once set, that station on the homescreen will have a M symbol to indicate it’s master. All other stations by default are set to activate the master whenever they are on. You can individually set any station to not activate master if you want. Also, OpenSprinkler supports up to 2 different master stations (the Configure Master allows you to set a secondary master).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Connect two Outputs via Program Code