OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Connection timeout andPreview problem

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  • #35171


    Sorry if  there is something obvious I am overlooking, but trying to edit programs using OSPi App Version 1.2.6 on firmware 2.1.11-OSPi, I am getting “Connection timed-out” on attempting to save the changes. This is editing from either the Firefox or Chromium browser running on Ubuntu 14.04.  Sometimes at least, if I then check from my Android tablet, the edit appears to have been accepted. OK,  I just checked closing and reopening the Firefox App, and edit shows. If I go “Back” from editing I get the Save option, but this also often (possibly always gives the timed-out error.

    Perhaps related to this, in the Program Preview, Program 1 shows, but I have recently added a Program 2 using a second station, and this doesn’t show.


    Any ideas, please?




    Well  I solved the Preview issue. I didn’t understand what the “Program Interval” meant, and had set it less than the run time for Program 2. Preview now works, but I still get the connection time out using the Firefox app.



    The Firefox issue will be fixed in the next app release which should be very soon.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Connection timeout andPreview problem