OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Daily program not to be repeated

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    Sorry if the question is silly but I promise I’ll learn fast 🙂

    If I just want to open a valve once every two days for 25 minutes at 0800 AM I thought I should specify

    Interval: Every 2 days starting in 0
    Time: 0800-0830
    Every: 00 <- I do not want any repetitions
    Duration: 25

    Instead by trial and error I’ve seen the program gets displayed in the preview only if I place a non zero (better if larger than the “Time” bracket) value in “Every”

    Is this the way it’s meant to be ? What is it that I’m not getting clearly ?

    Thanks a lot in advance



    Sorry about the confusion (and you are not the only one who got confused about this…). As stated in the online manual:

    If you only need to run the program once during a day, you can set a very large interval to ensure the program doesn’t run more than once.

    That means the ‘Every’ field (i.e. the interval) should be a large number — in your case, putting 1 hour is large enough.

    Technically the ‘Every’ field cannot be 0 because it will cause a divide by 0 error. The way the program works is it will start at the ‘start time’, repeat every interval time, and stop at the end time. As long as the interval time is large enough, the program will not run more than once, because the next time it’s supposed to run will be after the end time. Hope this makes sense.



    Once you explained the why it’s perfectly logic. Thank you

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Daily program not to be repeated