OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler DC to AC contorller

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  • #48575


    I have recently purchased a new opensprinkler DC version.

    I have since found out that my valves are 24AC.

    Now the controller wont work with the valves.

    Can I change the controller power supply to be AC?
    Or should I change the valves?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    If you got the OpenSprinkler 3.0 DC version, it is advertised as being able to operate 24v AC valves. Have you tried it with your valves?



    The DC-powered OpenSprinkler is designed to work with 24VAC sprinkler valves. The main difference is it’s powered by a DC adapter, not 24VAC as traditional sprinkler controllers do. It’s designed to provide more flexible power options — DC power adapters are easier to find, and you can also use 12V solar power to power the controller.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler DC to AC contorller